Sunday, January 9, 2011

Women of New York, Bore Your Selves!

Okay so I am presently setting a number of goals for myself, which is why the title suggests that this is boring. I am not saying that striving to live by my goals will be boring, but more like reading about goals are boring. So if you would like to skip over this post, you could find more important things to do.
Today I learned that not only should I write down my goals, but I should also try to make them as detailed as possible and realize how important it is to have God incorporated in everything I strive to do.
1. Write in my blogs at least once a week
I will dedicate Sunday and Tuesday scripture study to making a missionary blog.
2. Go to the temple and volunteer somewhere once a week
I will attend the temple on Thursdays and I will volunteer to work with kids for at least an hour per week.
3. Do better with the media I consume
I want to stay away from things that bring my mentality down and things that are crude. I will do this by finding out about a movie or show before I watch it, and turn things off if they push away the Spirit.
4. Watch my thoughts, words and actions better
Oftentimes I regret the things that I say and do and I realize it is because I am in a habit of thinking a certain way. So when I find myself wanting to make a crude joke or if I find myself thinking badly about myself, I will substitute that thought with something better.
5. Try to figure out what I want to be doing with myself: ie mission? study abroad? field study?
I am researching all of my options. I will read what I can, talk to people, pray about things, figure out budgets.

6. Put school first
When I need to be studying, I will study

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